'This is a book I love, for not only is it beautifully
designed, but it is also lucidly written – a sort of
thinking man's Bringhurst.'

david godine, publisher, boston

'This book is a masterclass in producing the perfect
book. It is also a masterclass in explaining often
complicated ideas in a way that is incredibly easy
to understand and follow. It should be on every
publisher’s bookshelf.'

Andrew wheatcroft, Stirling University

Book Typography cover

'I am a third-year student in Graphics and am learning more in this book than at Uni! . . . it is extensively detailed and has tons of information about pretty much EVERYTHING about type.'

Book Typography content

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Book Typography a designer's manual

is the comprehensive guide to typography and typesetting
Published by Libanus Press

Books depend on good design to communicate.
Every type of book, from a poetry collection to an
encyclopaedia, has its own style of communication.
This manual explains the principles of good design, why
they exist, and when and how to put them into practice.

Book Typography leads the reader from an understanding
of what is a readable text, through the construction of
books in all their different forms – novels, illustrated
books and complex reference works. The organization
of text and the handling of images are explained in
detail. Advice is also given on work progression and
print management.

A new way of looking at book typography

Designing books is a visual task and is best
demonstrated with visual examples. The book
contains over a thousand examples and illustrations
showing typographic principles put into practice –
from the smallest detail of punctuation to flat plans
of entire books. All the samples come from
published works and each is labelled with the font
used, its size and leading. Additional information
and comment is provided in sidenotes.